Ritter Julius Von Hochenegg Co-founder of the Austrian Cancer Society
- Highly respected Austrian physician
- Born: 2 August 1859, Vienna
- Died: 11 May 1940, Vienna
- Co-founder of the world's first aid stations
- Co-founder of the predecessor of the Austrian Cancer Society
Julius Hochenegg was born on 2 August 1859 in Vienna. He attended grammar school there and, after having earned a medical degree, was a student of Theodor Billroth at the Wiener Allgemeine Poliklinik. In 1891 he became director of the second surgical unit. Three years later, he lectured as a university professor for surgery at the University of Vienna, and from 1904 to 1930, he became head of the Surgical University Clinic.
The top-ranking physician founded an institute of radiology and created his own department of urology; in 1909, together with Dr. Anton von Eiselsberg, he founded the world's first aid stations. His main field of work, however, was cancer surgery, where he forged new paths, especially in the surgical treatment of colon carcinomas. His special interest in the diagnosis and therapy of cancer led to the foundation of the 'k&k österreichische Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Bekämpfung der Krebskrankeit” (Austrian Society for the Research and Fight against Cancer) under the patronage of Emperor Franz Joseph, which also took interest in the social problems of cancer patients. This institution later became the 'Austrian Cancer Society'. During the First World War, he was appointed surgeon general. On 12 November 1914, he received his knighthood and became Ritter Julius von Hochenegg.
When Prof. Dr. Julius von Hochenegg and his cousin Mizzi von Winiwarter went hunting in Thumersbach, the two decided to buy land on the lake. On 5 September 1897, Mrs. von Winiwarter acquired the inn 'Zur Austria' and Mr. von Hochenegg acquired the adjoining property to the north. On this lakeside property, he had a prefab house, purchased at the 1897 World Exhibition in Brussels, built by the architect Schönthaler. The architecture of the prefab house was exemplary for future summer houses on the lake. Over time, several houses were added to the main house, in order to meet the growing needs of the numerous guests and friends of Hochenegg and his family. In the summer months, the Hochenegg family spent their holidays in Thumersbach. Here too, the social conciousness of the physician came into play, and he treated many locals free of charge. Since 1991, the former Hochenegg-Kaspar house on the lake of Zell am See is owned by the Porsche family (Ferdinand Alexander Porsche).